Change of address form online free

More than 41 million Americans move every year — that creates a lot of waste and takes a toll on the environment. Even a small thing, like changing your address online, can have a big beneficial impact on the environment.

n If everyone changed their address online, we would reduce CO2 emissions by more than 46,000,000 pounds per year and save more than 2,600,000 pounds of paper.

n More than 723,000,000 pieces of paper are used to produce the USPS change-of-address forms every year.

n Currently approximately 12,500,000 movers change their address online, avoiding the release of about 20,300,000 pounds of CO2 into the environment.

This Earth Day, the United States Postal Service is ask­ing all movers to change their address online at . It’s an easy and convenient way to change your address that reduces CO2 emissions and saves time and natural resources like oil and trees.

What You Can Do?

Be sure to pass this simple tip along to friends and fam­ily who are moving and need to change their address.