Performance Improvement Plan Template: Examples and How to Use One


A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) template is a structured document used by managers to guide employees who are not meeting performance expectations. It outlines specific areas where an employee needs improvement, sets measurable goals, and provides a timeline for achieving these objectives.

In this blog post, we take a look at the key elements of a performance improvement plan template and how it can be used to boost employee performance.

What is a Performance Improvement Plan Template?

A performance improvement plan template (PIP Template) is a structured framework that helps managers and HR professionals to document the steps taken to address performance gaps. It sets clear expectations for improvement, and outlining the support available to the employee to facilitate their growth and development.

The template serves as a blueprint for the PIP process, ensuring consistency and fairness in its application across different individuals and departments. It typically includes sections for identifying performance issues, setting improvement targets, establishing support mechanisms, and defining success metrics. By using a PIP template, organizations can help employees enhance their skills, align their performance with company standards, and ultimately improve their overall work output.

Moreover, a well-implemented performance improvement plan can transform a potentially negative situation into a constructive opportunity for employee growth, ultimately leading to enhanced overall performance. The use of a template simplifies this process, making it accessible and manageable even for those without extensive HR experience.

How does a Performance Improvement Plan Template Help in Implementing in PIP?

By using a performance improvement plan template, HR professionals can ensure that they cover all necessary aspects of a performance improvement plan (PIP), making the process both thorough and consistent across the organization.

Provides Structured Framework

A PIP template offers a predefined structure that helps HR teams to organize the necessary steps to improve employee performance. This includes setting clear objectives, defining measurable goals, and outlining expected timelines for achieving these goals.

Facilitates Clear Communication

Using a template to conduct the employee improvement process ensures a consistent line of communication between managers and employees. By using a standardized document, all parties have a clear understanding of what is expected, and this transparency helps to reduce misunderstandings and increase accountability.


With templates, much of the groundwork is already done, which saves time and allows HR teams to focus more on the implementation and monitoring phases of the PIP.

Legal Safeguarding

Using a well-crafted template can also help in ensuring that the PIP process is compliant with legal standards, thereby protecting the organization and the employee from potential legal complications.

Example Performance Improvement Plan Templates

How to Use a Performance Improvement Plan Template

Step 1: Fill in the Details

Employee Information: Employee name, job title, department, and date.

Manager Information: Manager name, title, and date.

Step 2: Describe Performance Issues

Clearly identify the specific areas where the employee’s performance is falling short. Be specific and cite concrete examples. Reference relevant performance standards or job descriptions.

Step 3: Create an Action Plan

Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for improvement. For each goal, outline the specific actions the employee needs to take to achieve it. Identify resources or training available to support the employee.

Step 4: Set a Timeline and Follow-up Schedule

Establish a timeframe for achieving each performance goal. Determine how progress will be measured and tracked. Schedule regular meetings with the employee to discuss progress and provide feedback.

Step 5: Get Signatures

Once the PIP is complete, schedule a meeting with the employee to review it. Address any questions or concerns they may have. Have both the employee and manager sign the PIP to acknowledge their understanding and commitment to the plan.

Visual Frameworks Related to the Performance Improvement Plan Template

Here’s an overview of some key templates that help HR teams to effectively manage performance improvements.

Corrective Action Plan Template

This corrective action plan template is designed for immediate remedial actions. It helps in documenting specific issues, the expected corrections, and the timeline for achieving these corrections. It’s particularly useful in situations where quick resolution is required.

Employee Action Plan Template

This template focuses on individual employee actions needed to improve performance within a designated time frame. This template helps in setting clear and measurable goals for employees, enhancing their performance through structured guidance.

Employee Development Plan Template

The employee development plan template aims at long-term improvement and skill development for career growth. This template supports strategic plans for professional development, aligning them with the company’s goals.

30-60-90 Day Plan Template

The 30-60-90 Day plan template is ideal for employees who fall short of performance goals and for new hires or employees transitioning to new roles, this template outlines specific goals and expectations over the first 90 days. It ensures a smooth alignment with organizational objectives.

Career Path Template

Helps employees visualize their career trajectory within the company, aligning their professional goals with organizational needs. This template is a great tool for career planning and discussions.

Performance Review Template

Facilitates periodic reviews of employee performance, offering feedback and fostering dialogue between managers and employees. It’s a critical tool for ongoing assessment and encouragement. Read our guide on the performance review process to get more insights on how to motivate employees effectively reach their performance goals.

9 Box Grid Template

This template is a tool to measure, evaluate and map out an employee’s performance and potential. It provides a standardized approach to assess employees, ensuring fairness and objectivity in evaluations. This helps HR teams to identify employees with high potential for growth, aiding in succession planning and career development. The categorization helps pinpoint the right candidates for promotions and other opportunities based on their grid placement.

Quarterly Performance Review Template

Used for evaluating employee performance quarterly, this template helps in tracking progress against annual goals and making necessary adjustments on a quarterly basis.

Employee Evaluation Form Template

Streamlines the process of evaluating employee performance, focusing on different competencies and areas of improvement.

Each of these templates is designed to be visually engaging and easy to use, leveraging Creately’s powerful visual tools to enhance clarity and understanding. By implementing these templates, HR teams can ensure a more structured, effective approach to performance management, leading to better alignment and improved outcomes.

Real-World Examples of Performance Improvement Plans in Action

Here are several case studies and strategies that illustrate the effectiveness of structured PIPs in various scenarios.

Case Studies on PIP Implementation

For more insights into effective performance planning, read our guide on the performance planning process.

Maximizing Employee Potential with Effective Performance Improvement Plan Templates

In conclusion, the strategic use of a performance improvement plan template can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of HR practices. By adopting and customizing these templates, HR teams can ensure a structured and fair approach to employee development, which is crucial for organizational growth.

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