Risks and data protection impact assessments (DPIAs)

The need to identify, assess and manage privacy risks is an integral part of accountability. Understanding the risks of the way you use personal data specifically is central to creating an appropriate and proportionate privacy management framework. A DPIA is a key risk management tool, and an important part of integrating ‘data protection by design and by default’ across your organisation. It helps you to identify, record and minimise the data protection risks of projects. DPIAs are mandatory in some cases and there are specific legal requirements for content and process. If you cannot mitigate a high risk, you must have a process for reporting this to the ICO.

At a glance – what we expect from you

Identifying, recording and managing risks

Your organisation has appropriate policies, procedures and measures to identify, record and manage information risks.

Ways to meet our expectations:

Have you considered the effectiveness of your accountability measures?

Data protection by design and by default

You take a data protection by design and by default approach to managing risks, and, as appropriate, you build DPIA requirements into policies and procedures.

Ways to meet our expectations: