How Long Does a Cannabis High Last?

A cannabis high can last up to 10 hours, depending on the amount you ingest, how you consume it, the THC content, your body weight and metabolism, whether you’ve eaten, and your tolerance level.

close-up of marijuana flower in glass jar

Cannabis contains more than 113 chemical compounds called cannabinoids. Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is one of those cannabinoids, and it’s the ingredient responsible for making you feel high.

A cannabis high can last anywhere from 2 to 10 hours, depending on various factors. Here’s a closer look at the timeline of a delta-9 THC high and tips for cutting things short.

How quickly you feel the effects mostly depends on your method of use:

How long the effects last can vary greatly depending on the dose and potency. The more you use and the higher the THC content, the longer the effects will stick around.

How you consume cannabis also affects when the effects peak and how long they last.

Here’s a breakdown, according to Drugs and Me, a site by the Mental Health Education Foundation:

Cannabis hits everyone differently, so while your high may only last for a couple of hours, you could potentially feel the comedown or aftereffects for several hours or through the next day. It’s best to go low and slow if you’re new to cannabis.

If you need to cut things short, there are a few things you can try.

Keep in mind that these tips are designed to reduce the effects, not eliminate them altogether. That means you’ll likely still experience lingering effects, including a reduced reaction time, so you’ll still want to avoid driving.

Here are a few pointers based on anecdotal evidence and some research:

If you’re looking for a longer-lasting high, consider sticking with edibles. They take longer to kick in, but the effects will hang around longer, which can be a big help if you’re using cannabis for medical purposes.

You could also re-dose or try a higher THC strain for a longer high, but know that you’ll also have to deal with more intense effects. For a seasoned consumer, this is probably not a big deal, but a newbie may find the effects of a bigger dose to be a bit much.

There are some anecdotal methods for extending your high on the Internet, like eating mango, but there’s no evidence to back any of these.

Some websites recommend drinking alcohol with cannabis to extend your high, but it isn’t the best idea.

Drinking before using cannabis — even just one drink — can heighten the effects of THC. This combo can cause some folks to “green out” and experience some pretty unpleasant symptoms, including:

This combo doesn’t work great in the other direction, either. Using cannabis before drinking can minimize the effects of alcohol, meaning you’ll feel less drunk than you are. This makes it easy to get overly intoxicated.

Plus, using cannabis and alcohol together may increase your risk of dependence on one or both substances.

If you’re new to cannabis, keep these tips in mind: