Annual Reviews

NFA's Annual Review highlights NFA's financials and accomplishments for each fiscal year.

2023 Annual Review (PDF)

2023 Annual Review

This publication highlights NFA's new Chicago office, summarizes milestones and achievements from the past fiscal year and includes NFA's 2023 financials.

2022 Annual Review (PDF)


This publication summarizes NFA's key functions, includes NFA's FY 2022 financials and highlights milestones and achievements from NFA’s 40 years of self-regulation.

2021 Annual Review (PDF)

2016 Annual Review

This publication includes NFA's FY 2021 financials and highlights significant staff accomplishments from the past fiscal year. This fiscal year's Annual Review is anchored by NFA's important mission and provides insight on staff's commitment to effective regulation, market integrity and culture. The report also highlights NFA's strong working relationship with other domestic and international regulators, including the CFTC.

2020 Annual Review (PDF)

2020 Annual Review

This publication includes NFA's 2020 financials and highlights significant initiatives staff accomplished over the past fiscal year. Included in this year's report, among other things, is an overview of NFA's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a look at diversity and inclusion initiatives, an update on NFA's collaboration with the CFTC, and information on system modernization.

2019 Annual Review (PDF)

2019 Annual Review

This publication includes NFA's 2019 financials and highlights significant initiatives such as Swaps Proficiency Requirements, the BASIC system rebuild, regulatory programs addressing virtual currencies and cyber security, and NFA's IOSCO leadership role and collaborative regulatory efforts.